I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering why on earth I’m writing about a black shacket. You’ve probably seen this garment in your Insta-feed and wondered why all the rave. But the truth is, the shacket (that’s short for shirt-jacket) is one of those pieces that every woman should have in her wardrobe. It can be dressed up or down, and it’s perfect for those in-between days when you can’t decide what to wear. So if you’re looking for a new addition to your closet, check out the Yeli Bana black shacket! You won’t regret it!

What is a Shacket?

Is it a shirt? Is it a jacket? It’s both! A shacket is a term for a shirt-jacket. A shacket is an oversized shirt that can be worn as a jacket. A shacket is the perfect item to keep you warm when you don’t want to wear a heavy coat, but need something more than a standard shirt.

Looking for a Unique Designer Shacket Outfit?

Unique Designer Shacket Outfit

Look no further than the Yeli Bana Fashions store. We have an oversized shirt jacket that will stand out from the dull crowd of flannels, it will make you look imperial, and it has an authentic story to accompany it.

Most shackets for women you may find will be of the lumberjack flavor. This is fine if you want a rugged wood-chopping look. However, those classy women who seek something more attractive clothing that turns heads should have a look at a designer variant.

The attention to detail in this garment will make you feel like it was custom-tailored just for your style. The long ballooned sleeves are finished with fabric-covered button cuffs. They also come complete with knee-length side slits.

We have a pink shacket and black version in stock. The black version incorporates black on one half while our staple gold & cream ornate African patterns canvas the other half. The hot pink long sleeve shirt mimics that flair yet offers a distinctive pattern that exemplifies nobility and chic style.

What to wear a Shacket with?

This is a fair question and the answer is broad. We like to think of this oversized shirt as similar to a lightweight trench coat. Therefore, you can style it with plenty of garment choices. For example, our models can be seen with fitted tops, leggings, or even high-waisted wide-leg pants.

Can Plus-Size Women wear Shackets?

Plus Size Shacket

Absolutely! This article of clothing is great for all body types. Although most stylists will recommend plus-sized women to stay away from oversized garments, this one is an exception to the rule. The Yeli Bana shacket adds a slimming look to the outfit as the shirt accentuates long lines.

Now that you know what a shacket is, why it’s been in your social media feeds, and how to wear it… the only thing you need to know is where to buy it. There are plenty of stores selling them. However, if you’re looking for a totally unique-looking black shacket, check out the designer version at Yeli Bana Fashions. It’s still in stock! Order yours before they sell out.